Your One-Day Business Revolution

How can I help?

“Let’s roll up our sleeves, sort through the tangles of your business”

Every visionary entrepreneur has moments of crystal-clear clarity—a flash of insight, a deep longing to steer their business towards unmatched success. But between that vision and the reality often lies a maze of operational hurdles, strategy quandaries, and the pressure of endless decisions.

You’ve poured your heart, soul, and countless hours into building your business. But are the day-to-day operational challenges obscuring the bigger picture? Are you caught in the minutiae and longing for a day to zoom out, refocus, and realign?

What if there was a way to step back, untangle the complexities, and emerge with a crystal-clear roadmap tailored just for you? This is exactly why I created The Business Breakthrough Strategy Sessions.

Why You’ll Love This Session

All About You and Your Business

From the moment we start, it’s all about understanding and elevating what you’ve built and where you want to go. It’s personal, intensive, and completely centered on your business aspirations.

Tailored Strategy and Solutions

Whether you’re looking to streamline, scale, or innovate, your session is custom-fit to your business’s heartbeat. We’re talking operational finesse, digital smarts, and strategies that resonate with your unique business rhythm.

Relatable Expertise, Real Results

Picture a session with a business strategist who speaks your language, understands your journey, and has the know-how to turn plans into action. It’s strategy, but with soul and a smile.

Focus Where It Matters

Select the path that aligns with your business needs – whether it’s optimizing your project management processes or evaluating and enhancing your tech stack. Your business, your choice.

Project Management & Launch Planning

Let me help you streamline and effectively manage your upcoming projects or business launches.
  • Goal setting and timeline creation
  • Task prioritization and delegation
  • Tools and techniques for efficient project management
  • Risk management and contingency planning
  • Post-launch evaluation and adjustments
Summer Special: 50% off with code SUMMERSAVVY!
This was designed for:
  • Entrepreneurs gearing up for a new business or product launch
  • Business owners looking to streamline their project management processes
  • Teams needing a clear roadmap for project execution


It’s time to assess and optimize your current tech stack for better efficiency and scalability.
  • Current tech stack audit
  • Identification of gaps and redundancies
  • Recommendations for new tools and software
  • Integration strategies for a seamless workflow
  • Training and onboarding for new systems
Summer Special: 50% off with code SUMMERSAVVY!
This was designed for:
  • Business owners struggling with inefficient tech tools
  • Teams experiencing bottlenecks due to outdated or redundant software
  • Entrepreneurs looking to scale their operations with the right technology

Beyond the Session

You’ll walk away not just with ideas, but a clear, actionable plan. Plus, a recording of our session to keep the momentum going. And I’m still here with you for two weeks afterwards with unlimited email support and one additional 30-minute follow-up call to answer any questions that may come up as you begin to implement the plan we’ve created together.

Why Your Business Breakthrough Session is Like No Other

  • Crafted Just for You: Imagine a session that adapts to you and your business like it’s been tailor-made. Because it has. Whether you’re aiming to streamline processes, integrate cutting-edge tech, or deepen client connections, your session bends to fit your unique business shape. It’s not just about meeting goals; it’s about creating a session that feels like it was designed just for you.
  • Dynamic Collaboration: This isn’t your typical strategy session. Think of it as a dynamic workshop where your ideas are the stars of the show. We work together, mixing your vision with my expertise, to mold those ideas into plans that are ready to roll. It’s interactive, engaging, and all about turning ‘What if?’ into ‘What’s next?’
  • Guidance with Heart and Smarts: As your Business BFF and experienced strategist, I bring the perfect blend of empathy and experience to the table. I’m here to offer insights and strategies, not just as a consultant, but as a friend who’s genuinely invested in your success. It’s about combining heart with business acumen to create a session that’s as enjoyable as it is productive.


Dive into our frequently asked questions to understand more about the Business Breakthrough.

A Business Breakthrough Intensive is an intensive, one-on-one session dedicated entirely to your business. It’s a deep dive into specific areas of your business, aiming to provide actionable insights, strategies, and solutions tailored to your unique challenges and goals. During this session, we focus on understanding your current situation, identifying key opportunities for improvement, and developing a clear action plan to help you achieve your business objectives.

Our Business Breakthrough Intensive typically spans 2.5 to 3 hours. This includes time for an in-depth discussion, tailored strategy development, and an action plan creation. Additionally, there may be some pre-work required to ensure we get the most out of our time together. This preparation helps us dive straight into the core issues and maximize the effectiveness of our session.

There may be pre-work to ensure we get the most out of our time together.

Of course! If you’re unsure about which session would be most beneficial for you, get in touch. We can have a short discovery call to understand your needs better and guide you accordingly. During this call, we’ll discuss your current challenges, goals, and what you hope to achieve. Based on this conversation, I can recommend the session that will provide the most value and help you achieve your business objectives.

Absolutely! Each Business Breakthrough Strategy Session includes dedicated follow-up and support to ensure you are fully equipped to implement your action plan effectively:

  • Basic Session: You will receive follow-up support for two weeks, which includes one 30-minute follow-up call to address any questions and provide further guidance, along with unlimited email support to assist you as you begin to implement your action plan.
  • Boss Session: This package offers an extended support period of one month, which includes two 30-minute follow-up calls to provide ongoing guidance and iterative adjustments. Additionally, you will have unlimited email support throughout the month to help you navigate any challenges and ensure you stay on track.

Both options are designed to provide you with the continued support you need to successfully implement the strategies and plans developed during our session.

Our Business Breakthrough Intensive is designed to give you immediate, actionable insights in a condensed timeframe. It’s perfect for businesses looking for a strategic push or clarity in a specific area. Our longer-term services involve deeper engagements, regular check-ins, and continuous support.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise. If you need to reschedule, please notify us at least 48 hours in advance.

While we cannot guarantee specific business outcomes, we assure you of a dedicated, expert-led session tailored to your needs. Our past clients have found immense value in our Business Breakthrough Intensives, and we’re confident you will too.

Our Business Breakthrough Intensives are structured for one-on-one deep dives. However, if there’s a specific session where you feel a team member’s presence would be beneficial, please let us know in advance, and we can make accommodations.

We’re here to help! Feel free to complete our Contact Form or email us at for any further queries. Please allow at least 1 business day for a response.

Ready to take the leap?

Let’s map out your business’s future together. And if you’d like to chat before committing, I’m here for that too! Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call and get a taste of the transformative journey that awaits.

Enjoy 50% off with our Summer Special: code SUMMERSAVVY!

Your business, your terms. Let’s make magic together!