Empower Your Business with a Fractional CXO

It’s Like Having a BFF For Your Business

What’s a Fractional CXO, you ask?

“Think of me as the business BFF you always needed, ready to turn your challenges into triumphs!”

Are you tackling the complexities of business strategy, tech integration, and operational challenges? Picture having your very own hands-on strategist, tech guru, and operations expert, all rolled into one. That’s where I come in. As your Fractional CXO, I’m not just here to offer advice; I’m here to roll up my sleeves and get down to business, ensuring every strategy is implemented flawlessly with a “customer first” experience in mind.

I step in to fill the strategic and operational gaps, especially in implementing tech and operational solutions. Think of it as having senior-level expertise without the commitment of a full-time executive. I’m here to execute strategies, manage tech integration, and ensure your operations are running smoothly.

What Do I Bring to the Table?

Think of me as your business confidante – casual, approachable, and super skilled at transforming businesses. I’m all about taking the ‘boring’ out of business strategy and operations, making it as engaging and straightforward as a heart-to-heart with your bestie.

Savvy & Soulful Strategy

Crafting your business journey with insights that resonate and strategies that empower.

Tech Harmony

We’ll make your tech flow as smoothly as your favorite R&B track. We’ll get all the digital gears in your business meshing smoothly.

Operational Choreography

Streamlining your processes? Consider it done.


Flexible Services Offered:

You have the freedom to choose from a wide range of services, fitting them into your monthly allotted time. My expertise includes, but is not limited to:

  • Strategic Planning: Together, we’ll chart the course of your business, transforming plans into actionable, results-driven strategies. I’m hands-on in guiding you through every strategic decision and milestone.
  • Operational Process Optimization: I actively work with you to streamline and refine your operational processes, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in every aspect of your day-to-day operations.
  • Customer Experience Enhancement: Let’s elevate your customer journey. I’ll be involved in crafting and implementing strategies that enhance customer interactions, creating experiences that both retain and attract a loyal client base.
  • Project Management and Implementation: I’m there in the trenches with you, leading projects from the front. From kickoff to completion, I ensure every project aligns with your vision and is executed to perfection.
  • Sales Funnel Creation and Optimization: I don’t just design your sales funnels; I actively build and refine them, ensuring they effectively convert leads into loyal customers.
  • Technology Integration: From selection to implementation, I’m hands-on in integrating the right tech solutions into your business, ensuring they seamlessly support your operations and goals.
  • Website Development and Optimization: I take an active role in creating or revamping your website, ensuring it not only looks great but also functions as a powerful tool for your business growth.
  • Business Model Innovation: Together, we’ll explore and implement innovative business models, actively adapting and evolving your business to stay ahead in a dynamic market.
  • Data Analysis and Decision Support: I dive into your data, providing hands-on analysis and insights to support informed decision-making and strategic direction.
  • Risk Management and Compliance: I work with you to identify potential risks and ensure compliance, actively developing strategies to protect and future-proof your business.

Pick Your Perfect Package

The Foundation Cornerstone

Just as every great story has its captivating beginning, “The Foundation Cornerstone” is where your business narrative starts. It’s designed for visionaries who are ready to turn their dreams into reality, much like the first chapter of an epic saga. This is where you lay the groundwork for what’s to become a thriving business empire.

  • Hours: Up to 10 per month.


  • $2000/mo.

The Growth Architect

In the world of business, having a fixer on your side – someone who can deftly handle crises, strategically manage challenges, and turn situations around – is invaluable. “The Growth Architect” is all about that: being your go-to strategist and problem-solver, ensuring your business not only grows but thrives even in the face of obstacles. This package equips you to manage your business growth with confidence, intelligence, and impeccable strategy

What You Get:

  • Hours: Up to 15 per month


  • $3000/mo.

The Empire Catalyst

Moguls are a unique blend of boldness, savvy, and vision, ready to make a powerful impact in their industry. This package is tailored for those poised to elevate their business to extraordinary heights. Here, it’s about crafting a narrative of success that resonates with triumph and legacy. In this journey, you’re not just running a business; you’re building an empire that tells its own compelling story, marked by strategic mastery and undeniable influence.

What You Get:

  • Hours: Up to 20 per month.


  • $4000/mo.

A Partnership, Not Just a Service

Choosing me as your Fractional CXO means more than just tapping into a service; it’s about welcoming me as a part of your team. Unlike one-off projects or single tasks that Empress Business Solutions excellently handles, this is about an ongoing, collaborative partnership. It’s about having someone in your corner who’s dedicated to your business growth, month after month.

Why a Retainer Plan?

Consistency and Depth

With a retainer, I immerse myself in your business, aligning closely with your goals and challenges. This continuous involvement allows for deeper insight and more impactful strategies.

Flexibility Within Framework

While we have a structured approach, there’s flexibility within our monthly hours to focus on what your business needs most at any given time.

Building a Legacy Together

This isn’t just about short-term fixes; it’s about laying the foundations for long-term success and legacy building.


You may be wondering…

You’ve got questions. I’ve got answers.

As a Fractional CXO, I share my expertise in “customer first” tech and strategy with your business on a part-time basis. This role involves guiding your technology decisions, streamlining operations, and ensuring your digital tools enhance client experiences and operational efficiency.

Definitely. Even if your business isn’t centered on tech, technology plays a crucial role in creating efficient operations and enhancing customer experiences. I’ll help you understand and implement the tech you need, regardless of your industry.

While I welcome diversity in business types, I typically partner with solopreneurs and micro-businesss. Mostly, they are coaching and consulting companies. Regardless of your business’s tech intensity, I focus on leveraging technology to create seamless client experiences and improve efficiency.

It starts with a simple, no-pressure zoom call to discuss your needs and see how well we vibe. From there, we choose the plan that fits your business best, with flexible payment options to make the decision easier.

Unlike a traditional CXO, who works full-time, a Fractional CXO provides strategic and technological leadership on a part-time basis. This flexibility allows for tailored support that adapts to your business’s changing needs

Absolutely! I thrive on not only crafting strategic action plans but also getting hands-on with tech integrations, funnel creations, and website designs. It’s about making your ideas actionable and real.

Each business is unique, like fingerprints. I enter every partnership with an open mind, ready to customize services based on your distinct needs and goals. It’s a personalized approach every step of the way.

Engagements can vary, but I usually stay with clients for around a year, providing consistency and depth to our work together. However, I’ve also maintained relationships for over five years, depending on the business’s evolving needs.

Why Me?

It’s About More Than Business

  • Engaging Soul: Bringing warmth and understanding to the table, like your favorite reality show moment.
  • Real Results with Flair: No fluff, just fabulous, effective strategies.
  • The Legacy Touch: Because building something wonderful for tomorrow matters.
  • The Fun Element: Because who says business strategizing has to be boring?

Ready to Revolutionize Your Business?

If you’re nodding along thinking, “This is just what I need!” then it’s high time we chatted. Let’s figure out the perfect plan for you and get this exhilarating business journey started. No boring boardrooms, just you, me, and a whole lot of business excitement!

Let’s get started!