You know that exciting feeling you get when you dream of a new business, a new product, or even a new service to provide.  That feeling makes you call your accountability partners or your team and start brainstorming and making plans.  Do you find that you set goals, but lose track somewhere along the way? Setting daily goals may be your key to success.

Big picture ideas and long-term objectives definitely have their place but use short term goals to guide you towards your ultimate dream.

Benefits of Daily Goals:

  1. Stay focused. Too often our regular business or even personal priorities to get buried under daily responsibilities. Short term goals help you to remember your purpose. Always keep your dreams in sight.
  2. Break it down. A daily action plan also makes big projects less overwhelming. You can pick out one or 2 worthwhile steps you can complete each day. Seeing progress will keep you motivated.
  3. Create urgency. This is definitely for all of my procrastinators (I might even be talking to myself with this one).  Tighter timelines will help you to move forward and is the reason for having daily goals.
  4. Adapt faster. Sometimes you need to revise your goals or change your strategy. When you’re operating 24 hours at a time, you can resolve conflicts before they grow into something more serious.

Using Daily Goals:

  1. Clarify your values. Goals that align with your core values will feel more satisfying and compelling. Take time to contemplate what you really want out of life.
  2. Leverage your strengths. Design your goals to take advantage of your talents and skills. Figure out what you like to do and what you excel at. Outsource the rest.  This will help you to aim for targets that are realistic for you.
  3. Take control. Outcome goals describe your desired end while process goals refer to the steps you take to get there.  We all need both types of goals to keep us moving forward.
  4. Write it down. Make your plans more concrete by putting them in writing. Once you write them down, keep them in a place where you can constantly see them.
  5. Avoid distractions. Maximize your productivity by adjusting your habits and environment. Social media, emails, texts and unexpected phone calls and throw your entire project off schedule.
  6. Take breaks. On the other hand, some downtime is important too. Figure out a routine that works for you. Use your time off to shift your attention and move around.
  7. Learn from experience. Let setbacks teach you how to enhance your performance. Take responsibility for your decisions and focus on what you can do differently next time.

Just having goals can make you happier and more productive, so make it an ongoing process. Transform your business and your life by setting daily goals and striving to reach them.

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