When I started my business several years ago, I started out as a virtual assistant with the goals of providing executive level administrative support to entrepreneurs.  It is, as it was then, my belief that you can’t do this business start up thing alone.  Every rock star needs background singers.


I will never forget that when I started my business and went to my first networking event, a business strategist told me that while starting a virtual administrative support company was a wonderful idea, she wanted me to understand that a huge part of my marketing plan would have to revolve around educating people as to why they needed my services in the first place.  After all, almost everyone on the planet can create and edit documents and spreadsheets. Everyone can schedule social media posts. Many business owners feel like they are the only ones who can truly respond to emails and do follow up phone calls because after all, they know exactly what they want and need to say to current and potential clients, right?


If you are in business or even thinking about it, you can most likely do all or most of everything required to run your business.  And what you don’t know, between Google, YouTube and all of the social media channels with various gurus giving you tips and tricks to get started it appears there is no reason to hire support staff.   I GET IT.  But after a few months or maybe even a few years in, you are stressed out, burnt out and unmotivated the move forward. The thing that you were once passionate about is feeling a lot like WORK and you begin to want no parts of it.  Working a traditional 9-5 begins to seem more appealing.  Before long you find yourself spending less time working inside of your business until the dream slowly fizzles away.


I’ve seen this happen so many times.


You’ve heard the saying “team work makes the dream work”, right?


The ultimate goal is to run your business, not to allow your business to run you.  And that only way that is possible to add support staff at some point in your journey.  Virtual assistants and virtual business managers are also entrepreneurs so they understand you in a way many will not.  Their success is rooted in your success so they have a vested interest in wanting to see you win.  Working with business coaches, strategists and consultants are great (I’m one now myself) but if you are the only one who is responsible for completing all of the tasks that come with implementing their new ideas to grow your business while continuing to delivering platinum level service and products to your current customer/client base and you are executing all of the administrative tasks that come with maintaining a business such as  invoicing, scheduling, social media posting, etc… where do you find the time to take a walk, go to dinner with friends, go on a vacation with your family or just breathe?  Shoot, I’m tired from just typing all of that out.


But seriously, when you were told to “Become an entrepreneur to create the life you want”, was this is? What is the life you were dreaming of?  Is this the life you want?  My guess is no.  I’m here to tell you – THERE IS POWER IN DELEGATION!  In the past when I would have my initial on-boarding conversation with clients, I could hear the sigh of relief in their voice.  I could feel a shift in their energy.  Just being able to ask someone else (who is competent) to take something off their plate made them feel better, and mind you that was even before I completed the assignment.


So if you don’t have a support team, today is a GREAT day to look to change that.  If you are not sure what types of things you can assign to a virtual assistant, I can help!  *I can even show you how adding people to your team will increase, not decrease your bottom line.  If interested, let’s have a quick (and FREE) 15 min chat.  You can connect to my calendar HERE.*


And if you already have support team, reflect back on how stressed you used to be before they joined your business.  Give them a call, shoot them an email or maybe even a social media shout out to say an extra special thank you today for taking things off your plate and helping you grow your business.


To all of my virtual administrative assistants and virtual business managers, I salute you!  For all of the work you do in the background to make others shine, I see you out there.  Enjoy your day (hopefully you took this day off).


As Your Next Big Move Catalyst, Twanna has worked as THE Business & Project Strategist for Empress Business Solutions. For more than 5 years, she’s worked exclusively with solopreneurs to start and grow their businesses.  For more tips on how to stay more productive and motivated in business, please sign up for our newsletter.

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